Medical Code Solutions now offers an AI search feature that allows you to search for medical codes using natural language. This means that you can enter an English sentence to describe the code you are looking for, and the AI will try to understand the semantics of your query to find the relevant code.
Benefits of AI Search
- More accurate results: AI search can understand the context of your query and return more relevant results than a traditional text-based search.
- AI will give you additional information to help narrow down the relevant code.
- If you are new to medical coding, AI is a great way to use layperson language to find the correct code and its formal description in “medicalese,” as shown below. And that’s despite a typo in the query (“aache” instead of “ache”).:
- Easier to use: AI search is easy to use and does not require learning any special syntax. So, for example, on an ICD-10 search, you can enter “Heart attack” instead of using the medical term “myocardial infarction.”
How to Use AI Search
You must enable AI searching from the “Preferences” tab. When you switch to the “Search” tab, you will see a check box that lets you choose between the conventional textual search and the more sophisticated semantic search using AI.
The search context is set from the “Code Set” drop-down box, so if you are looking for an ICD-10 code, be sure to select “ICD-10” from the code set drop-down box.
When you click the “Use AI” checkbox, enter the English description of the code, then use the ENTER key to start the search. The AI search will then return a list of relevant codes.
Returning to Text Search
If you prefer to use the traditional textual search, just unclick the “Use AI” checkbox on the “Search” tab. Or you can go back to the “Preferences” tab to remove the “Use AI” checkbox entirely.
Examples of AI Search Queries
- If the code set you select is “CPT,” you could enter “Removal of the appendix”
- If the code set you select is “ICD-10,” you could enter “Stomach ache”
Want to try something fun? Look for the ICD-10 code by entering “kooties” in the ICD-10 AI search box.
Medical Code Solutions' AI search is a powerful tool that can help you quickly and easily find the medical codes you need.
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